Good afternoon, BB fans! :D Today I have a bunch of random things to tell ya'll about. From ebay auctions, to the latest BB11 news. So sit back & enjoy! ;-)
I'll start with Twitter.
Jeff fans, rejoice! He is *finally* on Twitter!!! :D w00t w00t!!
...and so is Natalie!
Oddly enough, so is Lydia's stuffed unicorn, Dae Yum Yum:
Speaking of Lydia, her & Russell went out on (I believe it was) Sunday night on Sept. 27th & they filmed their lil adventure:
And speaking of Russell, him & Michele are doing a live chat tomorrow (Thursday Oct. 1st) at 6pm BBT (9pm EST) on Superpass!
In other Twitter news, Kevin announced that he had dinner with his boyfriends parents. (If I remember correctly, Kevin's boyfriends parents didn't know that their son was gay.) Here's what he said:
Today, Lydia posted via Twitter that herself & Kevo will be hanging out sometime soon:
In non-houseguests news, Julie Chen had her baby boy on Sept. 24th!! They named him Charlie. Congrats, Julie & Les!! :D
Now let's move on to....Ebay!!!
You can now bid on items from the BB11 house! Items include a mens HOH robe, a womens HOH robe, a red buddah, and even the chess board & pieces that was mostly used by Natalie & Jessie.
Okie dokie, that's it for now! :D Keep checking back for more info over the next couple of days!!
Stay tuned...
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