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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mini-Tribute to Keesha & Memphis

I made this mini-tribute to Keesha & Memphis, an unspoken romance. Us 24/7 feed viewers all saw the chemistry between these two but they never acted on it since they both have significant others. Makes ya wonder 'what might have been'. ;-)


Stay tuned...

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Actors possibly going on strike...Big Brother 11 Winter Edition?

Here's another great piece of info for you die-hard Big Brother fans: actors might be going on strike in a few weeks!! What does that have to do with BB11? Well, that would mean that shows would be delayed in production for a while & in return, thrusting reality tv shows to take over (hello, Big Brother 11!)

Here are 3 articles on the possible actors strike:

(1) SAG to Hold Strike Vote as Talks Collapse
(2) SAG to seek strike authorization
(3) SAG, AMPTP talks fail: Is an actors strike coming?

BB11 is *still* scheduled for mid-season (most likely as a "just in case" thing), but it's looking more & more like BB11 this winter might be happening!!!

I will keep ya'll updated as soon as I hear anything more..good or bad!

Stay tuned...

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