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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

SAG: To strike or not to strike?

Okay, so if you've been keeping up (or trying to) with if SAG will be striking or not, you might be a little confused. So, here's an update:

As of today December 16th, 2008, this is what is going on...

SAG Could Strike by January 24, 2009

The Screen Actors Guild (SAG) says it will be sending out strike authorization ballots to its 120,000 members beginning January 2, 2009. Members will have until midnight January 23 to get their vote counted.

If 75 percent of the membership vote YES for a strike it could go into effect as early as January 24.

Guild President Alan Rosenberg said in a press statement on Wednesday that the future of professional actors is at stake and could hinge on the vote."


There you have it, ladies and gents! The SAG will vote to either strike or not strike between Jan. 2nd and Jan. 23rd. If they DO strike, it could take effect immediately.

So what does the SAG strike mean for Big Brother 11? It means that shows that will run out of episodes will temporarily go bye-bye until the strike is over, thus making room for some "filler" shows, such as BB11!! :-D

Don't count out the possibility of another Big Brother Winter Edition just yet, kids! ;-)

As always, I'll keep ya'll posted!

Stay tuned...

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