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Friday, June 19, 2009

Chelsia (BB9) to Host Big Brother Talk Show

Gooood morning, everyone!! As July 9th quickly approaches, there's gonna be a ton of updates, news, rumors, pics, and videos to sink your teeth into, so make sure to bookmark the blog if you haven't done so already! You can also follow the blog via Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace.

Today's news is that BB9's Chelsia is going to host a big brother talk show on the live feeds called "Big Brother Express Lunch".

It will air live every Thursday & Friday 12:00pm-12:30pm BBT. The show will be a call-in show, just like Housecalls was.

Don't forget that Dick & Janelle will be having their own weekly talk show on the live feeds as well! Housecalls might be gone, but there's plenty of similar shows to fill the void! :)

Today, Friday June 19th, is "Media Day" inside the BB11 house!! The likes of Perez Hilton plus a few reporters from shows like Extra & Access Hollywood stepped into the house this morning and will be living in the house for the next 12 hours. The minute I get pics and/or vids, I will be sure to post them here!!!

Only 20 days to go & counting!!!!!!! :-D

UPDATED @ 1:38pm BBT
This just in from CBStweet on Twitter:

CBStweet: Big Brother media day. 12 press locked in the house for 12 hours. Who will be voted out?

Stay tuned...

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