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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Big Brother 11: Finale Night

We made it, BB fans! Tonight is the Big Brother 11 Finale! Who will make it to Final 2? Who will win BB11? We will see tonight at 9pm EST/8pm Central! :D

There was game talk last night but it's such a guessing game at this point of who-will-really-take-who to the end. There's too many promises and not enough seats for all of those promises, should it should be interesting to watch everything unfold. ;-) Though it is important to note that Kevin did tell Jordan this last night...

Kevin: "If you take me (to Final 2), it won't change what I'm gonna do...I'm gonna take you regardless if you tell me yes or no."

So it sounds like Kevin is still 100% on board with getting Natalie out. I'm not sure where Jordan's head it at, though.

The Chat Room will be open tonight for those that have a lot to say about tonight's live show, and the comment section will surely be buzzing as well!!

Meet me back here on the blog tonight at 8:30pm EST to kick the Finale Party off! :D

Well feed watchers, that's it! No more *live* action on the feeds! They got turned off at 2:20pm BBT.

But don't forget that after the Live Show, you can watch the backyard interviews on the feeds!!

Want a preview of tonight's Episode? Here's a teaser from! (Thanks Ashley for the heads up! ;-) )

UPDATED @ 8:49pm EST:
The chat room isn't working well tonight, please use the comment section instead! :)

8:41pm BBT:
Next up, the HOH Comp!
*If Kevin wins, he's taking Jordan to Final 2.
*If Jordan wins, she's taking Natalie to Final 2.

Winner of Part 3 of the Final HOH is:


Evicted from BB is:


The Jury Votes:
*America voted for...JORDAN.
*Jessie voted for..JORDAN.
*Lydia voted for..JORDAN.
*Russell voted for..NATALIE.
*Jeff voted for..JORDAN.
*Michele voted for...JORDAN.
*Kevin voted for...NATALIE.

With a vote of 5-2...

Winner of Big Brother Season 11 is:



The Winner of the Favorite HG is:


Stay tuned...

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