Well BB fans, the 4th of July weekend is upon us and I hope all of you have a good time with friends & family, and get to see some awesome fireworks! I'm going to take the next 2 days off to enjoy the weekend, but fear not as I will be back this Sunday. ;-)
Just as a reminder, you lovely guys & gals have less than a week to get the live feeds special discount that is currently going on. I urge you to get the feeds before July 9th so that you save yourself some cash! :-D
(That breaks down to only $10 a month for 24/7 access to the house cameras!!)
Next up, we have the lovely & always fabulous Ross Mathews from 'Inside Dish w/ Ross' (from The Insider) interviewing the ladies of Big Brother 11! Ch..che..check it out! ;-)
LOL Ya just gotta love Ross!! He's awesome!
Okay, and the last thing I have for you BB fans across the land, is a promotional video of the HG's. It's kinda lame, I'm not going to lie. lol But I'm still gonna post it. :-P
Alright, that's it for now guys & gals!!
HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!!! :-D
BE SAFE, everyone!! See ya'll on Sunday!!!!
Stay tuned...
Need to get the live feeds? Get'em right here!!
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