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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday Night Show on CBS

Okay guys & dolls, I'm gonna take the afternoon off and enjoy some fresh air for a change! :D Sunday's in the BB house this season have been their "off" days, where they do nothing but sleep, eat, and lounge in the pool.

Tonight's show starts at 8pm EST/7pm Central time. I'll be back here on the blog around 7:30pm EST to open up the Chat Room and start moderating comments.

We *should* find out tonight the whole Pandora's Box Mystery & what really happened with Natalie. I don't know about ya'll, but I'm anxious to see it! ;-)

See ya'll back here at 7:30pm EST!! :D

UPDATE @ 7:30pm EST:

The Chat Room is now open! ;-)

**NATALIE WASN'T LYING!!!!! Her boyfriend was behind the door & THEY GOT ENGAGED!!! I think this is the first time Nat didn't lie in the game..but then again, she did lie about it at first. lol :P

Stay tuned...

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