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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday's Announcements

Hey BB fans! :D It's Thursday & you know what the means...tonight is the *LIVE* show at 8pm EST/7pm Central where we will see Part 2 of the Final HOH Comp.

The Final 3 spent hours last night practicing with the set-up BB gave them:

(FYI: Natalie did horrible! Out of 20 tries, she only got 6 in the hole.)

Moving on...

Seems that the talks of Natalie cheating with the rubberband around her wrist can be put to rest. She was switching hands through-out the HOH Comp, making it impossible to have her wrist strapped to the key. (She would have had to keep slipping the rubber band over hand and she didn't.) It was most likely to keep water from dripping inside her hoodie.

And in other news...

Big Brother has been picked up for another season!!! w00t w00t!!

CBS Press Express posted a press release stating that BB12 will in fact happen in Summer of 2010! BB fans, rejoice! And of course, I will also be back for the 12th season of Big Brother, blogging away as usual! :D

"Jamie, how can I find you for next season?"

The easiest way to find me is by going to! No matter what BB season it is, typing in " into you address bar will automatically redirect you to wherever I am...season after season! Easy as pie! ;-)


You can go ahead & bookmark the new blog site right now:

Okay guys & dolls, that's it for now. I will meet ya'll back here tonight for the *LIVE* show at 8pm EST!!! See ya then!! :D

Big Brother ratings up 7% from BB10!
Source: Associated Press

Stay tuned...

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