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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday in the BB House (*Updated!!*)

Good morning, BB fans!! :D Julie Chen said that Thursday we will see Part 2 of the Final HOH, which is the Physical Comp. (This is not how all other season have gone, so I'm confused by this.) I'll keep my eyes & ears on the feeds to see what I can pick up from the HG's.

**UPDATE #1:'s description for Thursday's episode is this:
The final Head of Household competition is held between the three remaining houseguests. The winner evicts one person, reducing the number to two finalist.

Michele did her exit interview with Julie & if you would like to see it, here it is!

Watch CBS Videos Online

Also, if you haven't yet voted for America's Favorite Houseguest, here's the link:
Vote for America's Favorite Houseguest

If you have the time, check out this article that Steven (from BB10) wrote. It's worth the read! Warning: Not for Natalie fans. ;-)
The GNat Attack by Steven Daigle

UPDATE #2: The Inside Dish w/ Ross interview with Michele is now up! :D
Ross Interviews Michele

UPDATE #3: CBS made a press release stating that Evel Dick, Janelle, Danielle Reyes, and Mike Boogie will be on Thursday night's live episode!
CBS Press Release

In the meantime, feel free to leave a comment below (I'll be moderating comments all day).

This season kicked my butt & I'm feeling extra worn-out today, so bear with me. lol :P

Stay tuned...

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