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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Winner of Part 1 (of 3) Final HOH is...

After 4 hours of the Endurance Comp, we have a winner!!

Winner of Part 1 of the Final HOH is:


*Jordan fell first.
*Kev/Nat made a deal when Jordan was inside showering for Natalie to drop first then Kevin last, and they did.

Part 2 is tomorrow (Wednesday) & it's the Physical Comp. Natalie & Jordan will go head-to-head.

Currently on the live feeds...
*Natalie & Kevin just got done with their showers.
*Kevin just got dressed.
*Jordan is eating Cup O' Noodles at the kitchen counter.

Kevin joins Jordan in the kitchen area.
Jordan: "I just wanna go to bed!"
Kevin: "I heard someone say "Hang in there, Jordan!" (He thinks it was Michele.)
Jordan: "I guess they escort you though the back, then?"

BB: "Kevin, please put on your microphone."

Kevin notices that there's only 3 chairs now at the dinner table.

Kevin: *gasp* "3 chairs!"

Kev/Jordo are now talking about Michele's speech.

Kevin said that Michele changed her outfit (from a dress to endurance comp clothes) because she didn't want her husband to think she was a quitter.

Pizza is cooking in the oven as the Final 3 continue to talk.

Kevin: "We made it to the end!"
Jordan: "Yeah, we did make it to the end!"

Natalie tells Jordan about Part 2 of the Final HOH Comp (Physical Comp). Jordan asked if it's like POV comps, and she said not really but it has to deal with questions. (Who was first out, etc etc.)

BB: "Kevin, please go to the Diary Room."

Natalie & Jordan talk about a little bit of everything.

Jordan said she had another hour in here but knew Kevin could go all night.

Jordan: "I still feel like you & him will take each other to the end."
Natalie tells her that she'd take Jordan to the Final 2 over Kevin. Natalie said she's worried that Jordan would take Kevin over Natalie.

Jordan: "Kevin is probably worried, too." (about who they'd both take to the Final 2.)

**Okie dokie, I'm outta here for the night! I'll be back in the morning with the Overnighter! Don't forget, tomorrow (Wednesday) is Part 2 of the Final HOH!! See ya'll tomorrow!! :D

Stay tuned...

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