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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Houseguests are in the house!!

Ladies & Gentlemen, Big Brother 11 has officially started!!! :-D

As of 4:15pm BBT, the houseguests walked through the front door of the Big Brother 11 house...

..where they will battle it out for the next 2 1/2 months! This was all confirmed by CornerOffice over at Reality BBQ:

I am SOOOOOO excited & pumped up now! :-D The game has STARTED!! Now we wait until Thursday night for the premiere of BB11 on CBS @ 8pm/EST. Immediately following the premiere is when the live feeds go live! From that point on, I will be reporting just for you guys & gals for about 18 hours a day, 7 days a week. lol ;-)


Stay tuned...

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