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Friday, August 21, 2009

Afternoon in the BB House

Holy Moly! Sorry guys & dolls, as I was waiting for the HG's to wake up, I dozed off on the couch. I knew getting only 4 hours of sleep was gonna catch up to me sometime today. Ughhh. :( The good news is that we barely missed anything! :D Yayyy!!! There was a lot of laying around inside & outside the house, and not that much game talk.

Let's get caught up to speed:
*Russell woke up grumpy from sleeping in the Have Not's room. (This is his first time being a Have Not.)

*Jeff told Kevin/Natalie that he wants to backdoor Russ this week, but that they (Kev/Nat) are going up. Jeff told them that one of them (Kev/Nat) needs to win the Veto.

*At 2:15pm BBT, Kev/Nat played pool & Nat said she has a feeling one of them are going home this week. Natalie figures it out that he's not gonna put up Russ & piss him off unless he has to.

*At 2:25pm BBT, Jeff joined Kev/Nat outside and they expressed other options to him & Jeff said he's open to other options. Kevin threw Michele under the bus by saying he overheard her say she wants him (Jeff) out. Natalie told Jeff that if Russ was Final 2, he'd win. Jeff said he'd talk to Jordan and see if they could possibly switch things up.

Currently on the live feeds...

3:00pm BBT:
Red Room

Kevin & Natalie are still worried about being nominated today. (Nominations will be taking place in a couple of hours.) Kevin said if Jeff was smart, he'd get rid of Russell this week because he's a tough competitor.
They then lay down.

3:07pm BBT:
HOH Room
Michele is laying down in the HOH bed.

3:09pm BBT:
All 4 feeds are on Kevin/Natalie sleeping.

3:31pm BBT:
Workout Room

Jeff is telling Jordan that he's thinking of another plan. He's thinking of putting up Michele/Russell, with Russ as the target.

Jeff: "They said to change our Final 4 deal and go with them. But of course they're gonna say that, ya know?"
Jordan: "I think it'd better to stick with Russell and Michele. This could be a poker face (on Natalie/Kevin's part). I want Russ out now because the next HOH Comp will be endurance."
Jeff: "But if I put up Kevin & Natalie, they're gonna be pissed."

They're talking about different scenarios of who goes up & and who would benefit J/J to go home this week.

Jordan thinks it might be better to keep Russell another week, and get rid of Kevin or Natalie. Jordan is pushing for Natalie to go home. Jeff still wants to backdoor Russell.

Jordan: "I wanna trust Natalie, but...we gotta look out for me & you."

Jordan: "I think you should just put up Natalie & Kevin and just see what happens with the POV. Do you think Nat/Kev would come after you for putting them up?"

They're going round & round.
Jeff: "Two people have to go up! We have to..have HOH next week. You or Michele."
Jeff said he can't put up Russ because if Russ stays, he's gonna gun after Jeff hardcore.
Jordan: "Then put up Kevin & Natalie."

Natalie enters the convo.

Jeff is telling Natalie that he doesn't wanna put Russell up becuse even if he lies & tells Russ he's a pawn, he's not going to believe him and he'll play even *that* much harder in the POV.
Jeff: "I know it sucks. Believe, I know!" (re: being on the block)

Natalie doesn't look like she believes them, but she's playing it off well. Jeff tells Natalie that if he (Jeff) or Jordan wins the POV, she'll come off the block.

Natalie reminds them that Russ would be playing in this weeks HOH comp that could very well be an endurance comp.
Natalie: "Remember, this week might be endurance."
Jeff: "And I can't play."

Meeting is over @ 4:01pm BBT.

4:03pm BBT:
Backyard Couches

Natalie tells Kevin about her convo with Jeff/Jordan.

Natalie: "They said that if Russ plays in the POV and he's on the block, he's going to go balls to the wall & really fight! This way, he won't fight that hard for it (by not being on the block.)"
Kevin: "Did you ask if we both stay up, who is the target?"
Natalie: "No. There's no need to make a situation even more uncomfortable right now. We gotta split them up (Michele/Jeff/Jordan/Russ)."

4:23pm BBT:
Workout Room

Looks like the plan is the same: put up Kevin/Natalie, with backdooring Russell as their goal this week. If Russ wins POV, then they'll send home Natalie or Kevin. After talking in circles, they start to take a nap..but Jordan looks like she's still thinking alot because her eyes keep opening every couple of minutes.

Meanwhile, outside...
Natalie is by herself. Kevin was called into the Diary Room. Jeff said that Kevin is the last to get called into the D.R. before the Nomination Ceremony begins.

Kevin is out of the Diary & is back outside.
Natalie says she feels good about this week, even though they're gonna be on the block.

4:39pm BBT:
Kevin/Natalie discuss that they have to win HOH next week so that they can get Jeff out.

Jeff gets called into the Diary Room. House goes on outside lockdown. Nominations are about to begin!

4:43pm BBT:
Feeds cut to Control Room where I saw a guy (Jeff or production) in the HOH room getting the bag of house keys for the nomination wheel.

5:38pm BBT:
Trivia still on the feeds...

Stay tuned...

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