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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Morning in the BB House

In an apparent attempt to get the HG's up & out of bed, they called for a lockdown. This forces the HG's outside & to possibly wake up for the day. Did it work? Well...not really. lol :-P

10:10am BBT:
Jordan & Jeff are on the hammock.

Chima/Jessie/Russ/Natalie are on the couch.

(Not sure where Lydia/Kevin/Michele are, they're not on any of the cams.)

10:17am BBT:
Jeff is semi-awake, so is Jordan.

Jeff: "Why do you think they called for this lockdown?"
Jordan: (yawning) "To wake us up."
Jeff: "I think [BB] is taking shit from the house..for a later comp. I dunno. Maybe I'm thinking too much."
Jordan: "We're all so much more alive at night than during the day."
Jeff: "We're all on a f*cked up [sleeping] schedule."

10:22am BBT:
BB: "Houseguests, the lockdown is over."
Then Jeff gets called into the Diary Room.

All HG's go back to their beds to continue sleeping.

10:33am BBT:
All HG's are now sleeping. I'll start posting as soon as they wake up. ;-)

11:02am BBT:
HOH Room

Jessie is telling Chima about his convo with Russ last night at the pool table. Jessie's version is much more intense than what actually happened. Of course, Chima (who loves to bash Russell in her spare time), is loving the hate-fest for Russell.

11:23am BBT:
Russell talk continues.

11:50am BBT:
Michele & Jordan are in the main bathroom. Michele, in a bikini, is putting on makeup. Russell is also roaming the house. Chima/Jessie are still in the HOH room talking (nothing of importance..a mix of random convo & the same Russell bashing Chima has been doing for a week now.)

Stay tuned...

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