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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday's Nomination Episode:

Well lovely guys & gals, I'm going to do something I haven't done for 30+ days...I'm taking the afternoon off. lol :P I have family coming over to spend the day with me & the hubby (and to make sure that I still exist! lol)

As always, I will fill ya'll in on the details of what happened in the BB house when I get back! :D

Don't forget, tonight is the Nominations Episode on CBS @ 8pm EST. Swing on by & hop on in the Chat Room around that time. (I should be back by then, but if I'm not, please feel free to use the chat room anyways!!)

Let's all take the day off together! Spend time with family & friends, get outside to get some sunshine rays, and gather back here tonight to dive right back into the BB world!

Can't wait until tonight? Then it sounds like you need the live feeds! ;-)

See ya'll tonight! :D

Stay tuned...

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