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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Afternoon in the BB House

The HG's were woken up at 11:20am BBT, but didn't start to move around until 12pm. I'm going to post for a little bit then I'm taking the afternoon off. As we all know, Sunday's are laaazzyyy days in the house & my yard could really use some attention (mowing, trimming, & everything else that I've neglected the whole summer. lol) But I'll get you guys & gals started off with the afternoon post! ;-)

Currently on the live feeds...

12:30pm BBT:
Backyard Patio

Natalie told Jordan that Jeff is going this week, even after she tried to save him (by trying to get Jeff to get Michele to use her POV on Jeff, in which Jeff said no, because it's a stupid idea.)

Jordan/Natalie/Kevin do some daily Michele bashing, then Jordan heads inside.

12:40pm BBT:

Jeff is cooking eggs for breakfast. In between cooking, there's some super cute moments between J/J.

12:57pm BBT:
Jeff is done cooking.

Him & Jordan head outside to eat.

Jeff: "F*ck is hot out!"

1:00pm BBT:
Workout Room

They're going over past Final 4 HOH comps & winners.

1:01pm BBT:
Backyard Couches

Jordan is doing a bunch of "What if' scenarios that would not place J/J in their current situation. Jeff kinda shuts the convo down (since it's useless now.)

Jeff tells Jordan to "stick with Michele" after he's gone this week.

Eating continues.
Jordan says she misses Moutain Dew.

1:04pm BBT:
Jeff/Jordan are done eating & go back inside.
Jeff says he feels like "being lazy today" and wants to go lay down.
Jordan goes & brushes her teeth. (Jeff is off-camera).

Natalie/Kevin are in the Workout Room. (Nat is eating eggs that Jeff cooked.)

1:18pm BBT:
Jeff/Jordan are laying down.
Kevin/Natalie are going over dates & BB facts for upcoming HOH comps.

**Okie dokie, I'm outta here. I'll be back before tonight's show to open up the chat room & then to start the evening post! The show starts at 8pm EST/7pm Central, see ya'll then!! :D

Stay tuned...

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