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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Morning/Early Afternoon in the BB House

As of 11:52am BBT, the HG's are still sleeping. As soon as they wake up, I'll start the morning post! :D

Currently on the live feeds...

11:52am BBT:
Pool Room
Jeff/Jordan (Michele also in the room. All sleeping.)

12:48pm BBT:
All HG's are outside on a lockdown. (BB trying to wake'em up.)

1:03pm BBT:
All HG's still on outside lockdown.

Nobody is talking.

Jordan told Jeff that she had a dream about him last night. Jeff asked if it was a dirty dream, she said no but that she doesn't want to tell him until Finale night.

1:35pm BBT:
Lockdown is over. All HG's are now inside the house. Natalie was called to the Diary Room.

1:42pm BBT:
All feeds are on Jeff shaving.

1:53pm BBT:
Jeff is in the kitchen fixing himself something to eat.
Jordan is eating breakfast at the dinning room table.
Kevin/Natalie are getting breakfast as well.
Michele just got done with her shower.

2:12pm BBT:
Red Room

Ladies & gents, we now have 2 Natalie's in the house. Natalie #1 and Natalie #2 (Kevin). He's scheming with Natalie on how to toy with Michele, lie to her, make her paranoid, turn her against Jeff...the list goes on and on.

2:21pm BBT:

Jordan is doing laundry (she just got done tanning.) Not much talking going on at all. Just relaxing in the sun.

2:28pm BBT:
Michele is now in the pool w/ Jeff.

Jeff: "It's amazing how he (Kev) won't leave her (Nat) side for a second!"

**That's because Kevin is "c*ckblocking" (as Kevin calls it) Jeff/Michele from talking to Jordan all day.

3:06pm BBT:
*Michele is eating a burger outside.

*Kevin/Nat are in the Red Room thinking of a new prank to pull this week. They wanna hide Michele's socks and/or her stuffed monkey. (**Ya gotta be kidding me.)
*Jeff is out of the pool & tanning on a lounger.

Michele is now sleeping on the hammock.

**I'm gonna take a little break & hopefully when I return, the HG's won't be like zombies anymore. :P Watching the HG's for 3 hours straight as they do nothing is like watching paint dry. lol

Stay tuned...

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