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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday Night Episode

Over the past 2 hours of the live feeds, we haven't too missed much, but there are a couple of things I wanted to point out: Jeff has been keeping his distance from Russell and avoiding hanging out with him. Russell asked Jeff if he wanted to workout later on, and he pretty much said no (without being blunt about it). And earlier, as Jeff was in the pool throwing a ball in the pool's basketball hoop, Russell asked him "What's up?" and Jeff didn't answer him. (Not sure if that's because he didn't want to talk, or because he didn't hear him.)

Meanwhile, Russell is trying to gain strength by reading his letter from his father that he got when he was HOH.

On another note, what do you think the odds are that Russell could swing Kevin's vote (if Russ is indeed backdoored tomorrow & Natalie is sent to the jury house)? Russ would need 2 votes to stay, and he could easily get Michele's vote (Michele might vote him out only to please Jeff/Jordan and keep their Final 3 deal solid on her part). I was wondering if Russell might approach Kevin with a Final 3 deal between himself/Kevin/Michele, and gun for Jeff/Jordan (since Kevin wants to gun for Jeff anyways & Russell will want to gun after Jeff for backdooring him this week.)

Thoughts? Opinions? Leave'em in a comment below!!

Tonight's show starts at 8pm EST!! If you want to chat with me & other blog fans, click the blue "Chat" button on the right side of the blog! I'll also be moderating comments during the show, so feel free to comment away! ;-)

See ya in the chat room!! :D

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