Okay ladies & gents, it's time!! :D Big Brother's Live Eviction Show starts at 8pm EST/7pm Central. The Chat Room is open, so feel free to hop on in & talk to me & other fans of the blog!
West Coasters, I'll be blogging about the show as it happens live! (If you don't want spoilers, then just check back after you see tonight's show.)
Let's do this! ;-)
8:00pm EST:
Show starts...
8:08pm EST:
They're showing after the veto, and now the fight between Jordan/Jeff. (Fight #1)
8:11pm EST:
Currently showing Russ trying to get Kevin's vote.
8:13pm EST:
Showing Fight #2 (Russ/Jeff/Jordan)
8:20pm EST:
They just showed Lydia arriving at the Jury House & Jessie seeing that Chima got expelled.
8:26pm EST:
The "Have Nots" is over for the summer! No more cold showers or slop.
8:30pm EST:
Jeff talks to Julie from the HOH room.
Jeff: "I had to take Russell out first, because he would have come after me."
The Votes:
Jordan votes to evict...Russell.
Kevin votes to evict...Russsell.
Michele votes to evict...Russell.
Russell hugged everybody, and the hugged him back. Seems that Russ instantly patched things up with Russell and said "Okay man, see you soon."
**FYI: Russell's goodbye speech before the votes was VERY classy. :)
(**They did this comp in BB8..took HOURS! I remember Eric falling all over the place. lol)
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End of show, starting a new post!! :D
Stay tuned...
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