At 12:27pm BBT, the feeds went to trivia! The "Have/Have Not's" Food Comp is underway!
While we wait, check out Inside Dish Ross Mathews' Interview with Braden:
(Was it just me? Or did Braden seem out of it or drunk?)
..and his interview with Laura:
1:52pm BBT:
Still trivia on the feeds...
2:19pm BBT:
Feeds are back!!
Chima, Michele & Ronnie are on slop, and Cabbage & Weenies (via tv fans votes). (still getting info...) This also means they have to sleep in the same cold steel room together. (lol)
*EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to add Michele's name at first. Thanks for the heads up, guys & gals! :D
Here's a pic of the HG's putting the cabbage away..
2:25pm BBT:
HOH Room
Jessie: "Anyone else, except Casey, wins the veto...
Russell tells Jessie & Natalie to not even hint to/around Casey that something might be up (the 'Backdoor Casey' plan)
Russell leaves HOH.
Jessie: "I hope this fking plan works!"
Stay tuned...
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