Gooood morning (or afternoon) guys & gals! :-D Today, Ronnie will get the HOH camera to take pics of the HG's, but as Casey said last night, "He can take pictures of the back of our heads." Russell thinks he might just put the camera outside the HOH door (where he's been locked up for about 24+ hours now) and let the HG's take their own pictures. lol
Tomorrow is the live eviction and it looks like Laura will be going home with either a 7-2 vote, or a 9-0 blowout. Laura isn't even campaigning. She has given up.
Last night, there wasn't too much action in the BB house. But here are some of the things worth mentioning...
All the HG's were still in the backyard at about 12am last night. The topic of backdooring Ronnie came up. Casey was pretty much the one in charge of the conversation and kept things in perspective for everyone. Casey told them that if they DO nominate Ronnie for eviction, he has 100% chance of playing in the POV Comp. But if they use 2 pawns (to ultimately backdoor Ronnie), then his chances of playing were around 3%...why take that risk. Then the HG's started asking 'who should go up as pawns'. Ideas started forming, including drawing straws just so that it was "equal" for everyone...but they decided to just let whoever is the HOH pick the nominees (aka pawns).
But not everyone is on board with getting Ronnie out: Jessie, Natalie, and Lydia. Lydia did want him out, but then Jessie talked her into keeping him around a little bit longer. So this week will be VERY interesting to watch how things unfold!!
In other news...
Natalie told Kevin she's not interested in Jessie "romantically". I can't help to wonder if that's what she's telling him to either (A) make her boyfriend back home think there isn't anything ..or (B) she's just lying to Kevin. They seem to be very flirty with each other and I'm not buying her not-interested bullcrap. :P
Speaking of Jessie, him & Lydia flirted for hours last night & stayed up together until the early hours of the morning.
In other romantic news...
There was talk that Russell likes Chima in 'that way'. Chima said that she would "f**k" Russell if he won HOH, because then he would have a nice room to do it in. By the way, this is all news to me! lol In no way, shape or form, have I EVER seen Russell flirt with Chima, nor talk about her in 'that' way. I think the lack of sleep is finally catching up to all of them. lol ;-)
And one last thing to mention...
1:44am BBT:
Russell/Jessie conversation
Russell said that Casey is "worthless" to them (Jessie/Russell) & that Jeff is actually good for their team since he's fighting to win and he can't put them up. He also mentions that his beef with Jeff is over now (they even played pool together last night for a while). Jessie thinks that they (the athletes) absolutely need to win HOH tomorrow.
And that's it for the overnight report! :D
Starting a morning post in a minute. ;-)
Stay tuned...
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