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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Overnight Report

Gooood morning, BB fans! :-D It's Thursday and you know what that's live eviction day & a new HOH will be crowned tonight!! w00t w00t! Tonight, I will have the chat room open during the (bound to be) exciting episode!

Let me get some coffee brewing, see what happened last night, then I'll be back with the Overnight Report! ;-)

I'm gonna start from around 8pm last night and go through the highlights of last night.

7:55pm BBT:

Casey was walking around wondering where Russell disappeared to. Little did he know, Russell was in the HOH room talking with Ronnie...

...(it was the same "I got your back, when nobody else does, we're in a secret alliance" convo he had just a day ago.)

Casey: "Either he's in the Diary Room or he's in the HOH room."
If Casey would have monitored the HOH door, then he would have seen Russell crawling out of the HOH room, while Ronnie went downstairs to create a little distraction.

10:33pm BBT:
Casey/Michele/Chima (other HG's were roaming around/passing through)

Chima heard that her & Michele should now NOT throw the HOH comp and this confuses her.

Chima: "We came to a consensus last night and then it changes!" (She's talking about how herself & Michele were supposed to throw the HOH comp so that Ronnie is 100% vulnerable to being nominated for eviction this week.)

11:13pm BBT:
Dinning Room
All HG's (except Ronnie)

After a house meeting at the dinning room table, Michele/Chima say they'll play to win the HOH comp today.

Alot of it was from Natalie & Jessie pushing Chima/Michele to play for HOH so that they "don't regret it" later on, especially if there are prizes involved (ex: Drop out of the HOH for $5,000, etc) They were very persuasive.

11:17pm BBT:

Russell was watching dishes in the kitchen & Chima said to him that "he was sexy" doing dishes. They exchange a little flirty moment of laughing and smiles.

(For the record, this is my first time that I actually have seen them flirt. Jessie told Russell in the Storage Room yesterday that Chima wants to bang him, so I think it's only a matter of time before we see Chima/Russell knockin' boots on the feeds. lol)

3:00am BBT:
HOH Room

Natalie told Ronnie that he cannot trust Russell. Ronnie lied (shocker, I know) and said that Russell hasn't told him anything.

Natalie told Ronnie that they convinced Michelle/Chima to not throw the HOH comp. Ronnie says if the Veto Comp is endurance, he will win.

Natalie then tells Ronnie that he's not going up, but the plan is to backdoor and then proceeded to throw Casey under the bus by saying that he (Casey) hates Ronnie. Ronnie said the feeling is mutual and the has has hated Casey since "Day 1." Jessie tells Ronnie that everyone else is "f**king furious!" with Ronnie. Ronnie tells them that he never lied to them, then he said that it was Jordon that came up with the plan to evict Chima. Before they leave the room, Natalie says "Just know we cannot talk to you tomorrow but we want to!"

Everyone (but Ronnie, of course), leaves the HOH room.

That's it for the Overnight Report! :) Laura will be going home today with probably a 9-0 vote. I'll start a Morning post in just a few! ;-)

Stay tuned...

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