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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Afternoon in the BB House (POV Ceremony Spoiler!)

It seems that Lydia is playing both sides of the house. Earlier, she was telling Braden/Jordan/Jeff (poolside) that she wants Chima out. Currently, she's talking smack on Braden. I cannot wait to see the Diary Room sessions on tonight's show!!! lol

12:10pm BBT:
Workout Room

Laura told them all about how Braden kissed her on her cheek last night when Laura said she was going to bed. She then makes "eww" remarks. Prior to this, Lydia said that Braden tries to kiss her "everyday". Laura thinks that Braden liks Lydia, Lydia said "I hope not."

Talk turns to other chit-chat (non-game related).

Russell suggests to everyone that they all play a game tonight: drinking a gallon of water in 4 minutes and trying to hold it down for 40 seconds. Russell said that it's nearly impossible and everyone will puke. (That doesn't sound like much fun to me. lol)

12:41pm BBT:
Still mindless chatter.

12:45pm BBT:
"Houseguests, this is a lockdown. Please go outside."-BB

12:50pm BBT:
Feeds go to fishies!
The POV Ceremony is underway. (FINALLY! No more speculating. lol I thought the POV Ceremony would be tomorrow, not today.)

1:45pm BBT:
Feeds are back. Chima is still on the block. Lydia is off. A guy is the re-nom..I'm guessing Braden but not confirmed yet...

Braden was the Re-Nom. It's Chima & Braden on the block!

Laura, who has been complaining that she hasn't been feeling well for a couple days now, still isn't feeling well. They called her into the Diary Room earlier (I'm guessing to get checked by a dcctor.) Update: She seems fine now.

Jordan took the POV Ceremony really hard because she thought for sure she was going to the re-nom and was prepared for it.

Chatter all around the house are on the feeds. Some game related, some totally not.

**Sidenote: I wish there was a way to get rid of Natalie, Jessie, and Chima all at the same time. lol

Stay tuned...

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