Since my last post, nothing much has happend with the exception of Ronnie throwing out the idea of backdooring Russell next week. Nothing really came of it, but I thought it was interesting enough to post on the blog.
I don't know about ya'll, but I cannot wait until tomorrow!!! We'll finally get either Chima or Braden out, and a new HOH will be crowned. I feel like Jessie has been the HOH forever (maybe that's because he was on last season? Not sure.)
Alrighty, here is whats currently on the live feeds...
6:16pm BBT:
Ronnie told Jeff they only need 1 more vote to keep Braden.
6:26pm BBT:
Laura & Jordan
Cold Bedroom
Jordan tells Laura they only need to get Casey to vote for Braden to stay.
6:31pm BBT:
Red Room
All 4 are just chillin' and talking about random things.
6:40pm BBT:
Still light & fun chatter between Ronnie/Jeff/Jordan/Braden. Laura is busy trying on dresses for tomorrows live show. (She just tried on a stunning red one!!)
7:44pm BBT
Ronnie & Natalie
Main Bathroom then Workout Room
Ronnie told Natalie that he needs to talk to her. They walk into the Workout Room. Ronnie is telling Natalie that he thinks if they don't win HOH, then Russell is going up. Nat thinks she will be the one that is up. Ronnie said he doesn't think so.
**Ronnie is definitely playing both sides of the game & wayyyy to hard. He's gonna get caught!!
7:59pm BBT
HOH Room
Ronnie asked them if they cut a deal with Laura after the noms. They both say no (which is a total lie). Their talk is cut short when Jordan & Laura come up to ask if they can take a bubble bath. Jessie said he doesn't care cuz he's going to go workout anyways, and Natalie said "...just as long as you feed the fish."
8:13pm BBT:
HOH Bathroom
All 3 girls are taking a bubble bath together. They think they might have the record for the most girls in the HOH bathtub in BB history.
8:21pm BBT:
Russell & Jessie are outside working out.
9:05pm BBT:
The girls are done with their bath. (If you're a guy & have the live feeds, use the Flashback feature to see some of Jordan's naughty bits. ;-) )
I'm gonna call it a night. The house has been very calm all day, and I don't foresee any drama unfolding anytime soon. I'll be watching Big Brother After Dark on Showtime (starts at 12am EST), and of course I'll be here first thing in the morning with the full overnight report! If you wanna peek in on the HG's yourself, you can get the live feeds! G'dnight, ya'll!! :-D
Stay tuned...
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