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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Morning in the BB House

BB woke up all the HG's around 8:30am BBT. (Wow, that's kinda early!)

Braden is already talking about votes and how he thinks he can get enough to stay. Looks like today is gonna be a Braden-trying-to-get-votes kind of day! Should be interesting to watch on the feeds. ;-)

10:27am BBT:
Jeff & Jordan

The two love birds are enjoying each others company. It's very clear that they have a crush on each other, even though Jeff is trying to somewhat down-play it.

10:30am BBT:
Jordan left Jeff in the hammock and she is now sitting with Lydia & Kevin on the BY couches, peeling the dry skin off of her nose.

Kevin is telling her to stay out of the sun until her nose full heals up.

10:34am BBT
Kitchen Area
Braden & Chima

Small chit-chat about how you can't do anything for a year after BB is over, such as hosting a show on E! Entertainment & etc.

10:37am BBT:
Kevin wants Jordan to kiss Jeff so that she can tell him if he's a good kisser. lol Kevin then asked Jeff "What would you do if Jordan kissed you?" and he said "I'd kiss her back." (I give it less than 24 hours from now before those two start making out. lol)

11:10am BBT:
HG's are on lockdown (outside).

11:23am BBT:
Casey & Jeff are lifting weights, with Jordan/Ronnie nearby watching & talking. Can't help but to think Jeff it trying to impress Jordan with weight lifting. lol

11:42am BBT:
HG's are now on inside lockdown.

Chima: "See, they're trying to get all of us in one they can see some drama going down."

Casey is quickly puffing away on a cigarette before he goes inside for the lockdown.

**I'm gonna take a break while the HG's are in chill-mode and on inside lockdown. Some HG's are even planning on taking naps. I'll be back soon w/ a new post for the Afternoon shift! :)

Stay tuned...

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