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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Overnight Report

Good morning, ya'll! :) I have my coffee by my side & I'm ready to serve you the overnight report..are ya ready?

There's been sooooo much drama in the house, it's unbelieveable how much shit has been stirred up in the 1 week the HG's have been in the house. I'm used to seeing this much drama/fights/hate/backstabbing at around week 9, not week 1. lol The live eviction this week cannot come fast enough! I'm ready for a change! Get 1 person out, get a new HOH (and watch how fast people stop kissing Jessies ass), and then let the games begin!

Last night, I reported up until 10pm BBT (12am EST). I'll pick up from there.

Lydia has switched sides in the house, leaving Jeff & Jordan to themselves. Jordan & Lydia's close friendship seems to now be completey over. Jeff even referred to Lydia as being a "fu**ing snake."

Shortly before midnight, Jeff gets a little heated and wants to confront Jessie/Natalie/Lydia and call'em out on all the he said/she said that's been going on lately (with all fingers of those convos wrongly pointing at Jeff.)

12:16am BBT:
Jeff Confonts the house.
Kitchen Area

Jeff basically tells everyone that he has made efforts to talk to everyone & that he hasn't had any response.

Jeff: "Everytime I try to talk to you, you [Jessie] don't wanna talk. And I get these, like, bad vibes walking around [this house]. Like, what did I do? Ya know?"

Natalie & Jessie kept giving their side of the story, which was hard to tell what the hell it was. lol I think their bottom line pint to Jeff was for him 'try harder'.

(That's pretty much the sum of the 20 minute 'house meeting'.)

12:41am BBT:

Casey says he thinks that "Natalie is drunk with power."
Jeff agrees with it. ( do I.)

12:44 AM BBT
Jordan: "I'm glad you said your peace."
Jeff: "I think I failed though."

1:36 AM BBT:
Jordan: "I think Ronnie will make it far in this game."
Jeff: I hope so.
Jordan says she is depending on Ronnie to win HOH.

Jordan can't stand the floaters. Jeff says he is going to throw HOH so someone can nominate the Athletes. Jeff says he can't put anybody up. He can put up Laura and Lydia. Jeff can't understand people wanting to follow Jessie. (me either! lol)

1:43am BBT:
Casey & Jordan were talking and both said that they trust Ronnie is on their side. And that Ronnie is "loyal". (We shall see. I personally think he's playing both sides.)

The rest of the night was uneventful. Some HG's just kept repeating the same stuff over & over again like a broken record.

All HG's fell asleep around 4am.

Alrighty, let's see what the HG's are up to this morning (I'm making a new post in a minute). :)

Stay tuned...

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