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Friday, July 31, 2009

Early Evening (+ Nominations Spoiler)

At 5:17pm BBT, the feeds went to's Nomination time!! Russell is most likely to put up Ronnie (his target) & Lydia, unless he had a last minute change of heart/mind.

As soon as the feeds come back (around 6pm BBT), I'll let ya'll know who was actually nominated!! :-D

6:27pm BBT:

Nominated for Eviction are:


(Confirmed by their missing keys on the memory board.)

Ronnie is alone...

...while everyone else (minus Lydia & Kevin) is in the kitchen area. Everybody is laughing, talking, and happy.

6:35pm BBT:

Red Room

Kevin is telling Lydia to not worry because he's pretty sure Ronnie is the target and unless Jessie f's her in the a$$, she's fine.

Kevin: "Don't you feel the least bit safe? Up against Ronnie? I mean..come on."
Lydia: "You never feel safe (when you're nominated)."

6:42pm BBT:
Pool Room

Ronnie is filing his nails.

Sidenote: I wanna know what was said during the nominataions!! The suspense is gonna kill me. lol :P

6:45pm BBT:
Dinning Table
Kevin (to Russell): "Amazing speech, by the way."
Russell: "Thank you!"
Kevin: "Did you see [Ronnie's] lips get tighter..and tighter..and curl up?"
Russell laughs.

7:10pm BBT:
All HG's (minus Ronnie who was just called into the Diary Room) are in the kitchen..making food & talking. Lydia just joined them all a minute ago.

It's like the whole house is finally working a "family", if you will. Jeff/Jordan/Michele/Russell are cooking together, for everyone to eat (minus the Have Not's, of course).

7:30pm BBT:

Red Room

They got in a little flirting time real quick. ;-)

7:35pm BBT:


Jordan is in her bed, resting.
Ronnie is still in the pool room alone.
Jessie/Nat guessed it..laying down. lol They're in the Workout Room talking.

7:51pm BBT:
They both started to fall asleep in the Workout Room.

BB: (to Jess/Nat) "Hey guys, can't sleep in the..." (..feeds go to standby mode). lol :P

8:08pm BBT:
All are eating/finished eating & talking.

They're teasing Lydia (playfully) saying that they think she has the americas vote because she's "really happy for being on the block!"

Jeff: "Did you get it? Am I in trouble? Do you want milk & cookies? A massage?"

Everyone laughs.

Lydia: "Let's just say that the deal you made this week might have been for nothing."
Jeff: "Who, me?"
Lydia: "Uh huh."
Jeff: "You didn't get it. Because you'd be getting in trouble if you did."
Lydia: "I didn't say anything!"
Jeff: "You're not allowed to smile like that! Do you have it? It's your hair. America loves you for your hair. Well, what place did I come in (in the poll)?" (Jeff is being really funny! lol)

Sidenote: Voting doesn't end until 11:59PM PT Tuesday, August 4, 2009. ;-) Still need to vote? CLICK HERE!!

Russ & Chima have a little flirty hug in the living room as they passed each other.

Russell: "What's that look for?"
Chima: "Nothing..." (giggles)
Russell: "Givin' me all these sexy looks.." (they both walk away in opposite directions.)

8:24pm BBT:
Living Room

Lydia: "If you guys vote me out over Ronnie..I'll hate you all. Just sayin'."
Chima: "Girl, you're okay. Trust me."
Kevin: "Ya, you kidding?! Please."

8:34pm BBT:
HOH Room

Russell tells Lydia that she's 100% safe this week and that everyone wants Ronnie out. If they're lying to Russell, then they're going against "the alliance" and will be putting a huge target on thier back(s).

9:17pm BBT:
I'm gonna call it a night & go watch BB After Dark. See ya'll back here in the morning with the overnight report!! G'dnight, everyone! :D (Also, there's gonna be a contest tomorrow..or two! ;-) )

Stay tuned...

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