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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Afternoon in the BB House (POV Players Picked!)

As I mentioned in the Overnight Report, I'm skipping the Morning post and heading straight into the Afternoon post.

The POV players have been picked.

POV Players Are:

Let me turn on the feeds & I'll get this post going! ;-)

12:16pm BBT:
HOH Room

Jessie just said a prayer before eating his slop (not sure I ever mentioned this, but Jessie prays before every meal and he's even wore t-shirts saying "I'm Not Lucky..I'm Saved". I'm guessing he's a born-again Christian.)

Russell asked when the night time POV Comp will happen, nobody knows.
Russell: "They do have those, right?"
Michele: "Ya, sometimes."

...and then...

12:22pm BBT:
The HG's are playing in the POV Comp!!

Ummmm..okay..the feeds are back. LOLL Not sure what happened...give me a minute to see what the HG's were doing.

The camera man is doing close-ups of Jessie, who does not look happy at all. Not a word being said.

12:39pm BBT:

They're talking about how Ronnie always "blows up" the toliet & makes a HUGE mess all the time without cleaning it up.

Russell: "Ronnie blows that shit up. Michele clogs it up."
They both laugh.

12:42pm BBT:
Red Room

Jeff is straddling Jordan, as she puts her hand up his shorts on his thigh.

They then get under the covers to flirt/talk game.

5 minutes later...
Chima, the host of the Veto Comp, came out of the diary room dressed up like a roman goddess and screams "IT'S TIME FOR THE VETO COMPEITION!!!"

AND IT'S TIME FOR THE VETO COMP!!!! (This time, I have proof! lol)

12:54pm BBT:
Trivia on the feeds...

The comp should take anywhere from at least 1 hour, to 3 hours.

(Keep Refreshing Every Once in a While)

Stay tuned...

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